Daemontools is the best way to manage your processes that is required to be running always. If you have processes like catalyst development server or spooler process that are required to be running always and needs to be self sustainable if they are killed for some reason.
Why Daemontools
inittab | ttys | init.d | rc.local | /service | |
Easy service installation and removal | No | No | Yes | No | Yes |
Easy first-time service startup | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Reliable restarts | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Easy, reliable signalling | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Clean process state | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Portability | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Installing daemontools
Installing daemontools on Ubuntu - Version 1
apt-get install daemontools dameontools-run
This will install and setup autostart of svscanboot on system boot via /etc/inittab
Installing daemontools on Ubuntu - Version 2
- Install daemontools
apt-get -y install daemontools
- Create /etc/service directory
mkdir -p /etc/service
- need to make a conf file for booting
cd /etc/init/
touch svscan.conf
echo "start on runlevel [2345]" > svscan.conf
echo "" >> svscan.conf
echo "expect fork" >> svscan.conf
echo "respawn" >> svscan.conf
echo "exec svscanboot" >> svscan.conf
- Start svscan service
service svscan start
- That’s it. Now you can check it using command below:
ps -ef|grep svscan
Installting daemontools on Centos
- Install wget gcc and wget
yum install gcc wget
- Create a folder setup and wget the source
mkdir -p /package
chmod 1755 /package
cd /package
wget http://cr.yp.to/daemontools/daemontools-0.76.tar.gz
tar -xzvf daemontools-0.76.tar.gz
rm daemontools-0.76.tar.gz
- Install the daemontools
echo gcc -O2 -include /usr/include/errno.h > src/conf-cc
- Fix Deamontools for CentOS 6.x. To do that simply remove the added line from /etc/inittab then issue this:
echo "start on runlevel [12345]" > /etc/init/svscan.conf
echo "respawn" >> /etc/init/svscan.conf
echo "exec /command/svscanboot" >> /etc/init/svscan.conf
- Start svscan service
initctl reload-configuration
initctl start svscan
- That’s it. Now you can check it using command below:
ps -ef|grep svscan
Creating service
- Create /services directory where we store all our services
mkdir /services
mkdir /services/catalystd
- Run file for catalystd
Create a file run inside /services/catalystd directory
echo `date`."\n"
echo "\catalystd: Starting\n"
exec 2>&1
echo "catalystd: Setting ENV Variables\n"
export CATALYSTAPP_WWW_ROOR="/home/sheeju/projects/CatalystApp"
export PERL5LIB=/home/sheeju/projects/lib/:${PERL5LIB}
export PGSERVICEFILE=/home/sheeju/projects/pg_service.conf
exec /usr/bin/perl \
- Run file for catalystd log
#exec cat > /var/log/parserspoold/test.log
multilog t n100 s16777215 /var/log/catalystd 2>&1
Daemontools Commands
- Start service
ln -s /services/catalystd /etc/service
- Remove service
rm /etc/service/catalystd
svc -dx /services/somerandomservice
- Restart service
svc -t /service/somerandomservice
svc -k /service/somerandomservice
- Check service uptime
sudo svstat /etc/service/catalystd
/etc/service/catalystd: up (pid 772) 349 seconds
- Checking the logs
tail -f /var/log/catalystd/current
- Checking the running processes
ps auxf
pstree -a 15234